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Vision Source Tuscaloosa Joins Campaign to Raise Funds for Optometry Giving Sight

Marston C. Martin, O. D. with Vision Source Tuscaloosa, is taking part in the World Sight Day Challenge during September and October to help give the gift of vision to people in areas of need.

Now in its 9th year, the World Sight Day Challenge is the largest annual global fundraising campaign to address avoidable blindness caused by uncorrected refractive error – simply the need for an eye exam and glasses.

Doctor Martin asks his patients to make a donation to help the more than 600 million people in the world who are blind or vision impaired because they do not have access to an eye exam or glasses. The campaign is run by global charity, Optometry Giving Sight.

“I have supported Optometry Giving Sight for 5 years,” said Doctor Martin.  “Preventable blindness is a solvable problem and we are proud to help give better vision to those in need. Most people are surprised to learn that for as little as $5 someone living in an under served community can be provided with an eye exam and a pair of glasses to transform their lives. Everyone can make a huge difference and we are thrilled to be contributing to the challenge.”

Participating is easy – simply make a single or monthly donation before the end of October. The campaign’s goal is to raise $1 million globally in 2015.

Our Hero Image for 2015:

Annie and Sonia are two of 1500 children who benefited from a recent screening program in Cap Haitian, Haiti. Poor vision made it very difficult for them to see the teachers’ writing on the blackboard.  They were identified as having astigmatism and were referred to the Vision Plus Clinic, part funded by Optometry Giving Sight, for a full examination and to obtain glasses. “Thank you for helping my daughters see the world,” a grateful Mrs. Charles said after her 6-year-old daughter, Sonia, put on her first pair of glasses!

To date, Optometry Giving Sight has disbursed more than US $11 million in funding from donors and sponsors to 72 projects in 42 countries.

For more information, go to